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What if I have a criticism or complaint?

If my style is not working well for you, then please bring that up as soon as you sense something is not right. With any new relationship we need a little time to get acquainted, to see how we can fit together. Though I am there to give complete attention to you, it is still a two way communication situation and we need to find a common language and style.

I would appreciate the opportunity to hear your feedback and see if I could improve my service to you. It is for your sake, my sake, and that of this coaching profession that each professional, though imperfect, is dedicated to self-improvement and is given the opportunity to work on it.

I remind you that I am a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council and abide by their Global Code of Ethics. If you feel I have violated the code of ethics in some way, I would first appreciate receiving that feedback. If you feel it is something beyond a possible misunderstanding, you are invited by the EMCC organization to file a complaint.

It is certainly in my professional interest to act in a completely ethical way, and to correct anything that could be misunderstood or misconstrued as unethical. I would appreciate the opportunity to correct anything and stay away from conduct that could be easily misunderstood.

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